Weeknote #672: Finally together

Future is Present Tense
3 min readJun 18, 2020


Spray paint time 📸 Sari

This week our studio gathered together for the first time in months. What a joy it was to meet our colleagues face to face during these weird times!

Long time, no see 📸 Monika

Let’s spray paint!

Work in progress 📸 Sari

Masterminds Eero and Elisa organised a (legal) graffiti workshop for us. We — quite obviously — painted “NKLYFE” text to the wall of Suvilahti graffiti area. Meanwhile others spray painted the letters with the lead of Eero, others enjoyed pizza and cold drinks.

Our graffiti “NKLYFE” 📸 Sami

Also, as a company party tradition, everyone got something black embroidered with a black Nordkapp logo. This year it was a “Nordkapp cap”, a good source for many puns during the evening.

We wish everyone happy midsummer!

What else happened this week?

For Sami, this week has been an intense mix of starting new things and diving into old ones. The spectrum widens, from FMCG to learning utilities to post-COVID19 futures and Sami couldn’t be happier.

Monika is tuning in to another project and working with Heikki and Sami on exciting new offering to be launched later in the autumn.

Teppo is having incredibly busy times at client. Typical pre-midsummer craze he guesses.

Elisa has come to life in these temperatures of over 20 degrees and, in addition to the weather, enjoyed working with the numbers and it was lovely to see colleagues at the BTAWB event.

Liam really enjoyed seeing his colleagues for the first time in months as they met up to (legally) paint some graffiti. During working hours, he’s been working closely with a rather nice client to bring a new digital service to life in a lean way.

Shakti continued tackling design challenges with shoe-sizing alongside some fresh new projects. Summer is at its best and a very impulsive bike purchase happened this week. I hope to get lost more often in the coming months!

Virpi thinks cross-industrial workshops about future opportunities rock! She loves them.

Topias is wrapping up the work of the past weeks and is having a small one week vacation before the bigger one in July.

Kenneth has been multi-tasking between internal work and new client projects — a nice change after being fully focused on one project during the last couple of months.

And myself, Sari, I’ve been lately diving deeper and deeper into different travel concepts.

Five things we read this week:

  1. We didn’t reinvent the wheel, only email from Hey — A poetic view on how email could work.
  2. Swappie bags $40.6M to sell more secondhand iPhones across Europe from TechCrunch — Finnish company Swappie is rocking it with the re-usal of smart phones.
  3. Making Things Alive with Printed Electronics from Decochrom — A future sight of DIY design?
  4. Micro-Interactions: a designer’s superpower from Vamsi Batchu — The power of micro-interactions is fascinating.
  5. Guide for designing better mobile apps typography from Andrey Zhulidin— Read how to choose typography for mobile, accessibility in mind.

Weeknotes are what happened at our studio this week. This week’s weeknote was curated by Sari Kukkasniemi.

Sari is a designer at Nordkapp, who is endlessly fascinated by design’s ability to guide users towards better or worse.

